100d Challenge

I am so scared of Linkedin

I know I have to go to Linkedin but I am scared.

People will recognize me.

People will see my name.

My coworkers will send me DMs.

But I still need to go out and expose myself.


Ok now to the value. Don’t be scared. Don’t be shy. Don’t be awesomely.

I know I am not perfect but I have balls to do it anyway.

People at my I age are scared to go out. Online. Offline.

They are scared to be recognized.

They are scared to sound important.

I am not! Important.

I am not! scared.

I am not! shy.

I am just following my dream to help people build confidence.

Build dreams.

Build lifestyle businesses.

Build wealth.

Build happiness.


Are you one of those guys who have enough of average life?

Who know that there is something else for them?

Then join my club and make a change.

Make a shortcut lesson.

Or a build real million dollar business.

Time is now!

Time is not on your side.

You will get old anyway.

100d Challenge

Day#001 – Let’s go!

My plan for the next 100 days is simple. 

Everyday, I will:

  • Write one inspirational post
  • Interview one smart human
  • Learn one new Shortcut
If you don’t know what are Shortcuts, they are a way of training where somebody teaches somebody an effective life or business growth strategy in short amount of time. Usually in 15-60 minutes.

As part of my challenge, I will use AI with the help of different mentors to whom I will reach out, to create a library of shortcuts which will help me and members of 100d Club to act smarter.


INTERVIEW: Seth Godin: The Maestro of Modern Marketing

Who are you?

I’m Seth Godin, an author of 20 bestsellers, founder of several transformative online workshops, and a passionate voice in the world of marketing and leadership.

Biz Category



United States


Hastings-on-Hudson, New York

Little About You

I’m an author, entrepreneur, and teacher, passionate about spreading ideas and changing the way people think. My work primarily revolves around marketing, leadership, and the post-industrial revolution. Through my books, blog, and podcasts, I aim to inspire and educate individuals on how to lead, innovate, and make a significant impact in their fields. I founded altMBA and The Akimbo Workshops, which have helped thousands of people across the globe transform their personal and professional lives.

Your Biggest Achievements

My most recognized achievements include writing 20 bestsellers like Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip, and Purple Cow, which have been translated into over 35 languages. This Is Marketing was an instant bestseller worldwide, and my latest book, The Practice, has already made waves since its release. I also founded Yoyodyne and Squidoo, both pioneering ventures in their own right. My blog is among the most popular on the internet, and my podcast ranks in the top 1% globally. In 2018, I was honored to be inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame, a testament to my contributions to the field.

Top 3 Motivations

  1. Empowering Others: The joy of helping people realize their potential and achieve their goals.
  2. Continuous Learning: The belief that learning never stops and always striving to acquire new knowledge and skills.
  3. Making a Difference: The drive to change the world, even in small ways, by spreading ideas that matter.

Biggest Biz Lesson

The most significant lesson I’ve learned in my business journey is the importance of embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. Every setback is an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. It’s essential to take risks, experiment, and not be afraid of making mistakes, as they often lead to breakthroughs and innovations.

Biggest Life Lesson

On a personal level, the most profound lesson has been the power of perseverance and consistency. Success doesn’t come overnight; it requires relentless effort, dedication, and the willingness to show up every day, even when the going gets tough. Consistency in actions, no matter how small, eventually leads to significant accomplishments.

Do You Provide Shortcuts?

Yes, I offer Shortcuts through my coaching calls and online workshops. These sessions distill years of experience and insights into actionable strategies that can be applied immediately. My Shortcut lessons focus on effective marketing techniques, leadership skills, and the art of spreading impactful ideas. Participants can expect to gain clarity, direction, and the confidence to execute their plans successfully.

Where Can People Find You?

You can find me and my work on my website, my blog, and on Wikipedia.

Last Thoughts

The most crucial piece of advice I can give is to embrace the process of becoming indispensable. Find what makes you unique, cultivate it, and offer it to the world with confidence and generosity. The journey is not always easy, but the impact you can make is immeasurable. Keep pushing boundaries, keep learning, and never stop believing in your ability to make a difference.

Diary of Captain MO

The Visionary Leader: Meet Tom Lipczynski, CEO of Vpply

Meet Tom Lipczynski, the innovative CEO of Vpply, a groundbreaking video job application platform. With a keen eye for technology and a passion for transforming the recruitment industry, Tom has led Vpply to new heights, creating a more dynamic and engaging hiring process.

Our journey to meet Tom was a blend of curiosity and adventure. Enej and I had just landed our sky-boat in the bustling city of Melbourne, drawn by the vibrant tech scene and cultural richness. While exploring a tech expo, we were captivated by a booth showcasing a unique approach to job applications—via video.

Intrigued, we approached the booth where Tom, with his warm smile and enthusiastic demeanor, was demonstrating the platform. His passion for innovation was infectious, and after a brief introduction, he invited us to join him for a deeper dive into Vpply’s mission and technology. Over a cup of Melbourne’s finest coffee, Tom shared the journey of Vpply, from its inception to becoming a game-changer in the recruitment industry.

Tom’s journey with Vpply began with a simple yet profound idea: to revolutionize the way people apply for jobs. Recognizing the limitations of traditional resumes, he envisioned a platform where candidates could showcase their personalities and skills through video applications. This idea resonated with both job seekers and employers, leading to rapid adoption and growth.

Under Tom’s leadership, Vpply has introduced numerous features that enhance the hiring process, such as AI-driven candidate matching and interactive video interviews. One of the pivotal moments in Vpply’s growth was securing a partnership with a major recruitment agency, which validated their concept and provided the resources to scale. Tom’s ability to foresee industry trends and adapt quickly has been instrumental in Vpply’s success.

Tom emphasizes the importance of embracing new technologies to stay ahead. Vpply’s success is a testament to the power of innovative thinking and staying ahead of the curve. Creating a platform that is user-friendly and engaging has been key to Vpply’s growth. Tom believes that a seamless user experience is critical in today’s tech-driven world. Collaborating with industry leaders and partners has been essential for Vpply’s expansion. These partnerships have not only provided credibility but also opened doors to new opportunities.

Tom’s approach to leadership is rooted in his belief that work should be enjoyable and fulfilling. He fosters a company culture that encourages creativity, collaboration, and continuous learning. This positive environment has been a driving force behind Vpply’s innovative solutions and motivated team.

A day in Tom’s life includes a balanced routine of strategic meetings, brainstorming sessions, and personal time. He is an advocate for work-life balance, often sharing his insights on maintaining mental health and productivity. His commitment to creating a supportive workplace has earned him respect and admiration from his team and peers. Tom’s key mindset lesson is to find joy in the journey. He believes that maintaining a positive attitude and enjoying the process is crucial for long-term success and personal fulfillment.

As the day came to a close, Tom invited us to a local tech meet-up where we could network with other innovators and entrepreneurs. The event was a melting pot of ideas and collaborations, and we left with a wealth of knowledge and new connections. Before we parted ways, Tom handed us a Vpply-branded microphone, symbolizing the power of voice and video in today’s digital world. We exchanged heartfelt goodbyes, promising to keep in touch and continue exploring ways to innovate and inspire.

Back in our sky-boat, Enej couldn’t resist testing out the Vpply platform. He quickly recorded a playful job application video, showcasing his skills in navigating the sky-boat and assisting Captain MO. As we soared into the night sky, he uploaded the video, and we both chuckled at the thought of receiving a job offer for our sky-boat adventures.

“Captain MO, imagine if we get hired as aerial tour guides!” Enej laughed. I joined in, picturing our sky-boat filled with eager tourists. “Onward, to new adventures and perhaps a new gig!” I announced with a grin, steering us towards the horizon. Our journey with Tom and Vpply had inspired us to think outside the box and embrace the future of work with enthusiasm and creativity.

100d Challenge

Break down your Elephant

I believe you can achieve anything you want in just 100 days.


100 days is 14 weeks. A week has 7 days. 7 days has 168 hours.


Or one week has  40 work-mode hours. Or 20 work-mode hours if you decide to work like me. 4-hours per day.


And sometimes 10 hours. If you decide you will work only 2 hours per day.


So to sum up – 100 days is only 140 hours of deep-focused strategic work if you commit you will work 2 hours per day on this goal.


(Captain MO Diary is exactly that)




If you break down a goal you want to achieve in smaller pieces, you will see it differently.

You will see it is much easier to achieve a goal if you see fewer hours you need to commit to the same results.


If I want to achieve something and I see that I will need to work hard for 180 days, compared to just 30 days for the same results, it will demotivate you.


But if I see 30 days in my todo and just a few hours of deep-focus work in my weekly todo, success in my mind is much easier to feel.


And this will drive you toward it so you don’t lose track while running towards it!




Do you agree?


INTERVIEW: Sofia Hernandez: Crafting the Future of Digital Marketing

Who are you?

I’m Sofia Hernandez, the Global Head of Business Marketing at TikTok. I help brands worldwide leverage the power of TikTok to create innovative marketing strategies that resonate both on and off the platform.

Biz Category



United States


New York City

Little About You

I’ve spent over 18 years leading iconic global marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies like P&G, J&J, Netflix, and Spotify. My journey in the marketing world has been driven by a passion for understanding people and what makes them tick. At TikTok, I challenge brands to drive culture and connect meaningfully with their audience. Before joining TikTok, I served as the Chief Client Officer at Suzy, a consumer insights platform where I championed a customer-first approach and drove revenue growth.

Your Biggest Achievements

At TikTok, I’ve been instrumental in helping brands navigate and harness the unique, creative potential of the platform. My efforts have not only driven successful marketing campaigns but also contributed to shaping the cultural impact of TikTok globally. At Suzy, I played a key role in revenue retention and growth, informed the product roadmap, and fostered a strong customer-centric culture. My work with Fortune 500 companies has resulted in some of the most memorable and effective marketing campaigns in recent years.

Top 3 Motivations

  1. Creating Impactful Connections: Helping brands build meaningful relationships with their audiences through authentic storytelling and innovative marketing strategies.
  2. Driving Innovation: Constantly exploring new ways to push the boundaries of digital marketing and inspire creative excellence.
  3. Empowering Teams: Leading and nurturing teams to achieve their full potential and deliver outstanding results.

Biggest Biz Lesson

The most significant lesson I’ve learned is the importance of staying adaptable and open to change. In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, the ability to pivot and embrace new trends and technologies is crucial for success. Staying ahead of the curve and continuously innovating is key to maintaining a competitive edge.

Biggest Life Lesson

On a personal level, I’ve learned that empathy and understanding are the foundations of meaningful connections. Whether in professional or personal relationships, taking the time to truly understand others’ perspectives leads to stronger, more authentic interactions and outcomes.

Do You Provide Shortcuts?

Absolutely, I offer Shortcuts through strategic coaching and workshops. These sessions are designed to help brands quickly grasp the essentials of effective TikTok marketing. My Shortcut lessons focus on crafting engaging content, understanding platform dynamics, and leveraging TikTok’s unique features to drive brand growth. Participants will gain practical insights and strategies that they can implement immediately to see tangible results.

Where Can People Find You?

You can find more about my work and insights on Hispanic Executive, One Club, MMA Global, and AdAge.

Last Thoughts

My parting advice is to always stay curious and never stop learning. The marketing landscape is ever-evolving, and staying ahead requires a commitment to continuous growth and innovation. Embrace challenges as opportunities for creativity, and remember that the most successful campaigns come from a place of genuine connection and understanding. Keep pushing boundaries and striving to make a positive impact in everything you do.


INTERVIEW: Antonis Kocheilas: Leading the Transformation of Advertising

Who are you?

I’m Antonis Kocheilas, the Global CEO of Ogilvy Advertising. My mission is to drive the growth of brands and businesses through innovative branding, advertising, and content creation under Ogilvy’s stewardship.

Biz Category





New York City

Little About You

I’ve built my career on a foundation of creativity and strategic thinking. As the Global CEO of Ogilvy Advertising, I lead a team of talented professionals dedicated to creating impactful campaigns that resonate globally. My role involves steering the executive leadership team of Ogilvy Worldwide, ensuring that our capabilities in branding, advertising, and content creation are harnessed to their fullest potential. My journey in the advertising world has been fueled by a passion for transforming brands and delivering exceptional results for our clients.

Your Biggest Achievements

One of my significant achievements is my appointment as the Global CEO of Ogilvy Advertising, a testament to my leadership and vision in the industry. Under my guidance, Ogilvy has successfully launched numerous high-profile campaigns that have set new benchmarks in creativity and effectiveness. My previous role as Global Chief Transformation Officer at Ogilvy allowed me to drive significant organizational changes that enhanced our strategic capabilities and client offerings. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the world’s most iconic brands, helping them navigate the evolving landscape of advertising and achieve remarkable growth.

Top 3 Motivations

  1. Innovative Thinking: The drive to constantly explore new ideas and push the boundaries of what’s possible in advertising.
  2. Client Success: The satisfaction of seeing our clients thrive and grow as a result of our collaborative efforts and creative solutions.
  3. Team Empowerment: Inspiring and leading a diverse team of professionals to achieve excellence and reach their full potential.

Biggest Biz Lesson

The most important lesson I’ve learned is the power of adaptability and continuous learning. The advertising industry is dynamic and ever-changing, and staying relevant requires a willingness to embrace new trends, technologies, and methodologies. Flexibility and a commitment to lifelong learning are essential for sustained success in this field.

Biggest Life Lesson

On a personal level, I’ve discovered the value of resilience and perseverance. Life and career journeys are filled with challenges and setbacks, but it’s the ability to remain steadfast and determined in the face of adversity that ultimately leads to success. Embracing failures as learning opportunities and never giving up on your goals are crucial aspects of personal and professional growth.

Do You Provide Shortcuts?

Yes, I offer Shortcuts through personalized coaching and strategic workshops. These sessions are designed to provide deep insights into effective advertising strategies, brand transformation, and content creation. My Shortcut lessons focus on harnessing creativity, understanding market dynamics, and leveraging Ogilvy’s vast resources to achieve outstanding results. Participants will gain valuable knowledge and practical tools that they can immediately apply to their own projects and initiatives.

Where Can People Find You?

You can learn more about my work and insights on Ogilvy, Ogilvy Health Blog, IMH Business, Forbes Councils, and AdAge.

Last Thoughts

My final piece of advice is to always lead with vision and integrity. The world of advertising is not just about selling products; it’s about telling stories that connect with people on a deeper level. Stay true to your values, embrace innovation, and never stop striving to make a positive impact through your work. Remember, the most successful brands are those that inspire and resonate with their audiences. Keep pushing the boundaries and continue to create with purpose.

Diary of Captain MO

5 Proven Steps to Eliminate Brain Fog and Achieve Amazing Results

According to studies, 60% of adults experience brain fog regularly.
This mental cloudiness can drastically reduce productivity and overall well-being, making it challenging to achieve your goals and perform at your best. If you want to achieve amazing results, you need to learn how to remove brain fog. Fortunately, I’ve developed a simple, effective routine to combat brain fog.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Prioritize Quality Sleep

    • Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night: Sleep is crucial for cognitive function and mental clarity. Ensure you have a consistent sleep schedule and create a restful environment to improve the quality of your sleep.
    • Create a bedtime routine: Avoid screens before bed, read a book, or practice relaxation techniques to help your body wind down.
  2. Hydrate Consistently

    • Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily: Dehydration can significantly impair cognitive function and lead to brain fog. Make it a habit to drink water throughout the day.
    • Carry a water bottle: Keep a water bottle with you to remind yourself to stay hydrated, and set reminders if necessary.
  3. Take Short Breaks

    • Incorporate 5-10 minute breaks every hour during work: Continuous work can exhaust your brain. Taking short breaks helps refresh your mind and maintain focus.
    • Practice the Pomodoro Technique: Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle to enhance productivity and mental clarity.
  4. Eat Brain-Healthy Foods

    • Include more omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants in your diet: Foods like fish, nuts, seeds, berries, and dark chocolate can boost brain health and reduce brain fog.
    • Maintain a balanced diet: Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods, which can negatively impact your cognitive function.
  5. Practice Mindfulness

    • Spend a few minutes meditating or practicing deep breathing exercises: Mindfulness can reduce stress and improve focus, helping to clear brain fog.
    • Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine: Whether it’s through yoga, meditation, or simply taking a moment to breathe deeply, make mindfulness a regular part of your day.

The system isn’t perfect.

It won’t eliminate brain fog overnight, and it requires consistency and patience. However, this approach aligns with my mission of helping individuals achieve peak mental performance and lead healthier lives. Regardless of how busy your schedule is, small changes can make a significant difference.

Implementing these practices can lead to improved focus, productivity, and overall mental clarity. Start today by incorporating one of these habits into your routine and experience the benefits of a clearer mind. By taking proactive steps to combat brain fog, you can unlock your full potential and achieve amazing results in your personal and professional life.

Ready to clear your mind and enhance your productivity?

Begin with one step today. Whether it’s drinking more water, setting a consistent sleep schedule, or taking short breaks during work, start small and build up. Your journey to a fog-free brain and amazing results starts now.

Feel free to share this article with others who might benefit and join the movement towards a clearer, more productive mind.