
For the last 25 years, I’ve been involved in different segments of online advertising.

From selling my e-commerce products to helping others scale their brand with strategic paid content creation and media buying.

In the past few years, I’ve worked with more than 50 different clients through a performance agency I was part of, and on my own as a growth consultant.

A few of my current milestones are:

Spending $100k per day on Meta for 15 countries’ localized EU shop

Hitting $1,079,243 revenue in 1 day for a US home goods store ($2.5m in 4 days)

Working with KiloHealth (2nd fastest growing tech company in EU – $200m / 600 employees)

Working with 10+ B2B companies that received $10m+ in funding for AI development

Scaling Pinterest ads for one client from zero to $300k in 30 days

Working with BoredPanda (viral content machine generating 90m+ visitors per month)

My expertise is:

Effective growth strategies for media buying in B2B and B2C

Multi-channel remarketing

Landing page optimization

Funnel building

Content production

Copywriting and brand storytelling

AI workflows and customization

Outbound and email marketing strategies

Surveys, Affiliates, Lead gen

And more

How I work:

I work with brands as a growth consultant and their media buying strategist.
Each partnership with my customer is different.
I am not an average media buyer who will launch ads with your content and pray for success; I go multiple steps further.
I will analyze your brand, content strategy, funnels, landers, customers, products, etc.
Then I would suggest media buying changes or build a fresh growth strategy that can add additional revenue to your current strategy.
I will work directly with your current team or bring my team to your company.
Sometimes I will work with the external resources and connections I’ve built through my career, to provide effective solutions for your brand.

Why hire me:

I have 25+ years of experience in online marketing and brand-building.
I have a suitcase of successful growth tactics and strategies that helped brands become million-dollar brands.
I know world-class experts, data analysts, copywriters, media buyers, video editors, developers, etc., with whom I can build a custom-tailored success story for your brand.

Services I offer:

Media buying strategy development and implementation with my or your team
(Meta, Pinterest, X, Google, TikTok, Snapchat)

Copywriting and Content production
(Helping you create content for different media channels that can bring higher performance and optimize via my or external team for high volume.)

Landing page and Funnel optimization for higher CR
(You can only spend more on advertising if you have a better conversion rate and higher AOV.)

Outbound B2B email marketing and lead generation
(My remote team is scanning the web to find interesting high-ticket B2B opportunities.)

Custom AI workflows for unique branding
(I can help you create custom GPTs that will help you do more in less time. I work with a few top AI developers who can do cutting-edge stuff for your business.)

Remote teams setup and training
(I can build a new team for you in 1-2 weeks and train them based on the goal you want to achieve. For quick-scaling brands that need a fast growth solution.)


I know how much constant learning helps experts and entrepreneurs to stay at the cutting edge of technology today. So I started a small Mastermind Club for Entrepreneurs called 100 Dollars Club. It is made for business owners and experts who would like to take a shortcut to the next level via mentors and special tools and resources. All my clients get access to this Mastermind. I also created a challenge called 100-day Challenge for Entrepreneurs, which helped me break my daily growth habit and make it very inspiring. All my clients and members of my mastermind get access to it.

I am also a member of a few other Masterminds for highly skilled performers and consultants. So I can stay at the peak of what is going on in the AI, AD, and BRAND game.


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